
Motley Crue up-date

Tommy Lee has revealed that guitarist Mick Mars' health issues are a contributing factor in the timing of the band's farewell tour plans.

 "The farewell tour is next," says Lee. "This will be it. Our guitar player [MickMars] has a spinal disease that's slowly fusing his vertebrae together. It's one of those things that's treatable, but not curable. So it's just progressively getting really worse and it's painful for him, so he doesn't wanna tour much longer. I can't say I blame him." When Deadmau5 asks if the Crue would bring in another guitarist to substitute for Mars, Lee says, "The last thing we ever wanna do is go out running on two cylinders with some hired guy playing guitar; that's just whack. 

 "So we wanna go out with one big hurrah with the original guys and be done with it. That's such a bad look when bands are still playing the f**king fairgrounds — those county fair shows — and it's just like two of the original guys, or one original guy, and the rest, no one knows who they are. We don't wanna do that."

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