
Ratt up-date

Steve Pearcy & DeMartini are in the studio, promising that the next record will hearken back to 1984′s ‘Out of the Cellar... “Warren and I are spearheading the next record to be what it should be: a more ‘Out of the Cellar’ thing. Just real hardcore, basically,” explained Pearcy. “We’ve already recorded one track — and if this song is the only song ever released, I’d be way happy. We have so much good music we haven’t even tapped into. It’s good stuff.” 

 In the meantime, Pearcy says Ratt will be laying relatively low. “We’re trying not to do shows, even though there are some on the books,” he said. “We want a record out — that’s what we want. Our 30th anniversary and our 10th record.”

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