
‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’ Facts:

Just before her remarks about Christmas being a big commercial racket, Lucy refers to Charlie Brown simply as Charlie. This is the only time she does this in any of the TV specials: every other time it’s Charlie Brown.

Whenever the ornament makes the tree fall it actually represents commercialism taking over Christmases true meaning. But when the kids fix it then it means the meaning has been found.

The special broke many of the rules prevalent for animated holiday specials during the 1960s: it didn’t make use of a laugh track; real children were used for the character voices instead of adult actors imitating children’s voices; and Biblical references were used to illustrate the true meaning of Christmas.

Jefferson Airplane wanted autographs from all the kids who voiced the characters.

The version of the show broadcast on CBS-TV until 1997 and older video releases are edited: they leave out a scene where the gang throws snowballs at a can on a fence. The Paramount and Warner video releases are complete and unedited.

None of the children who voiced the characters received credit at the end. A version with a laugh track was produced but later discarded after the success of the broadcast version.

Kathy Steinberg, who did the voice of Sally Brown, had not yet learned to read at the time of production, so she had to be fed her lines, often a word or syllable at a time, which explains the rather choppy delivery of the line “All I want is what I have coming to me. All I want is my fair share”.

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